Are you new to the parish? 

Are you seeking closer ties to the community? 

Do you have spare time or a talent to share with others?

As followers of Jesus, we are called to serve. 

The people of St. Agnes parish take this calling seriously. 

Browse the different opportunities to serve others...

and come join us!

Call the Parish Office 920-494-2534

for more information about the ministries at St. Agnes.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The true worth of a society can be measured by the care it takes for the least of its members. St. Vincent de Paul Society is concerned with ministry to the least of our sisters and brothers in Christ. 

If you have a compassion for others, a desire to combat hunger, homelessness, and poverty, consider becoming a Vincentian.



altar servers

Servers assist at Saturday and Sunday masses and as needed for other liturgies.


If you have a musical ability - singing or playing an instrument - we would love to hear from you! 

Cantors help the congregation to worship in song at all weekend masses and special liturgies. Accompanists (on organ, piano or guitar) meet to practice with cantors, who are scheduled as little or as often as they wish. You can participate as a soloist or in small groups. 

care ministry

Care Ministry is a one-on-one lay pastoral care program that responds to a variety of parish pastoral needs. Care Ministers actively bring the love of God into people's lives by providing supportive care to those who are ill, home bound or in residential facilities, as well as those who face crises, trauma, loss, or personal dilemmas. As part of our bereavement ministry, we also reach out to those who have recently lost a loved one.

Children's Scripture

Help children experience the Liturgy of the Word in a version they can easily understand.  During the 9:30 a.m. Sunday mass, children gather in the Mother's Room to listen to the Word of God, sing and pray. 

Choir - 

Adult Choir

The St. Agnes Choir meets each Thursday evening for practice during the school year for approximately an hour and a half and sings at weekend liturgy twice each month. They do not practice or sing during the summer months. Lend your voice in song!

Church Cleaning Group

Help to make our church presentable for worship! These groups of parishioners clean the church every third week on Monday morning. The group vacuums, dusts, and cleans the restrooms. The different teams (men and women) are asked to clean approximately five times a year and normally involve between one and one-half hour to two hours each time. 

as each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another

~1 PETER 4:10

Church Art

and Environment

Do you have a talent in interior decorating or a green thumb? Our parish is in need of people who are willing to donate their time and artistic talents to properly decorate the church building throughout the Liturgical Year. Other responsibilities include taking care of plants, ironing and placing banners. Please consider helping with a particular season or throughout the entire year.

Community of Christian Women

All parish women are invited and encouraged to become members of the Community of Christian Women (CCW). Our goal is to provide fellowship, prayer and fun, while striving to benefit the less fortunate and our own parish.

Proceeds from bake sales and several other functions each year, help us to donate to a number of charities. Events will be posted in the bulletin. Please join us! 

confraternity of the most holy rosary

The Holy Rosary Society, St. Agnes Chapter, is a local chapter of the international Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary established “to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary and to secure her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary.” All Catholic men, women and children are invited to enroll in the Confraternity. 

The sole obligation of membership is the weekly recitation of 15 decades of the Rosary, and to include thousands of members throughout the world in their intentions. 

Members, their families and guests are invited to attend monthly meetings held 6:30 pm in church on the third Tuesday of the month. 

Our annual Solemn Enrollment Ceremony is celebrated on the third Tuesday of October.

Eucharistic Ministers

This ministry affords the opportunity to share in the Liturgy in a very special way. By becoming a Eucharistic Minister, we are better able to recognize the Lord in the people being served and in the very action of serving. 

Eucharistic Ministers assist in distributing the Eucharist at all masses on weekends and Holy Days. Training is provided, and no monthly meetings are necessary. Please call the Parish Office for more information.

Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound

Volunteers are needed to take the Eucharist to parishioners confined by age or illness to their homes. Each team consists of 4 volunteers with 1 team member per week taking the Eucharist to between 1 and 3 parishioners. Each team member does this once monthly after the weekend Mass of their choice; a weekday may be chosen to fit the volunteer's schedule. Training, including a brief prayer service, is provided for each volunteer. Time commitment depends on whatever conversation the volunteer includes after the brief service. 

family prayer night

First & third Monday Evenings of the month 

6:30-8:30 PM


Doors open: 6:15 p.m.

Sacrament of Reconciliation: 6:30 p.m.

Rosary is prayed before Mass

Mass:  7:00 p.m.

Adoration following Mass


Evening concludes with Divine Praises and

repose of the Blessed Sacrament at approx. 8:30 PM


All are welcome!

  Attend all or any part of the service

that your schedule permits.


Greeters are ministers of hospitality who represent our parish community. Greeters welcome people as they enter church. We are present to answer questions and assist in any way.

Greeters arrive at Church 20 minutes before Mass. A schedule is provided for how often and at which mass you wish to attend.

Whom shall I send?


Here I am...Send Me!


Knights of Columbus

Catholic men from the west side of Green Bay are invited to join Knights of Columbus Green Bay Council 617. This is our local council of the national Knights of Columbus organization. 


The Lector-Commentator makes preliminary announcements; introduces the liturgy and Presider; proclaims the Word of God by reading the first and second scripture readings; and reads the general intercessions. Liturgy sheets containing the specifics of liturgy are available well in advance of their scheduled duties. 

Men's Club

The purpose of the Men's Club is to unite the men of the parish and promote spiritual and material undertakings for the good of our neighbors. A second collection is taken up each year for the group.

Opportunities for fellowship for men of the parish include: Brewer Bus trips, Booyah, Fisherman's Night Out, and Steak Night. Funds raised support various projects and ministries. 

ministry of praise

The Ministry of Praise is a prayer ministry for elders, homebound, sick and disabled parishioners. People who join this ministry remember the needs of the parish, the church, and the world in their daily prayers. Members pay no dues, have no meetings, but are given a prayer booklet and receive a monthly letter with prayer intentions and suggestions.

Parish Festival

St. Agnes holds their summer festival on the first Sunday in August.

The whole community is invited for games, food, raffles, and a silent auction. The festival is our parish fundraiser, aiding St. Agnes in offsetting operation costs.  

Volunteers are needed in many roles, large and small, to support this endeavor. 

peace & social justice committee

The Peace and Social Justice Committee meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00-7:30 pm. The primary objective is serving a meal once each month at the NEW Community Shelter. Over 30 parish volunteers rotate to help accomplish this objective by baking cookies or serving the meal.

Prayer shawl ministry

Prayer shawls are available to anyone going through a difficult time or has an illness and needs to feel God's presence in their lives and know they are prayed for by St. Agnes Parish members. 

If you know someone in need of prayer, stop in the Parish Office to pick up a shawl or call to arrange for the pastoral staff to bring a shawl and pray with them. 

New volunteers are always welcome to use their talents to create the prayer shawls! 

prayer vine

Members pray for the intentions of parishioners. Contact the parish office if in need of prayer or to join the Prayer Vine.

in this life

we cannot do great things.

we can only do small things with great love.


Respect Life Committee

The committee keeps St. Agnes Parish informed of Respect Life/Pro-Life issues; encourages education and knowledge of current happenings; provides materials and symbols to increase awareness; and communicates with political action and prayer networks. 

Committee meetings and the agenda vary depending on particular needs of the pro-life movement and desires of parishioners. 

praying the Rosary

Pray the Rosary with the people of St. Agnes after the 6:45 AM mass on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; and before 8:00 AM mass on Wednesday and Saturday.

Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans perform several duties. They:

  • Prepare the altar linens used in our liturgical celebrations, 
  • Clean and fill the Holy Water fonts,
  • Clean the candlelighters and snuffers of wax and replace wicks, and
  • Check the offering candles and replace used ones.

Sacristans alternate weekly.  

Serra Club

The Serra Club is an international organization of lay people that works to promote, support and pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. The West Side Serra club meets the 2nd Friday of every month at St. Agnes following the 6:45am Mass. 

Each meeting is an opportunity to grow in your personal faith as well as your understanding and appreciation for religious vocations. Speakers each month provide insights into the ministry happening in our Diocese and present ways to get involved. Some club activities include a Sisters Night Out, a summer picnic, a Christmas party for Seminarians, and the opportunity to go on Retreat with our Seminarians. 


Ushers assist people as they enter church and make them feel welcome; direct the flow of traffic to seating areas; assist parishioners with any needs; collect and secure the monetary offerings; assist and direct people during communion; and secure the church after the last mass on Saturday and Sunday.

serve the lord with gladness

~PSALM 100:2